Sunflowers by Pond

What does “Following the Aliveness” Mean?

For me, following the aliveness is a way of life. When I’ve faced major life decisions, I’ve asked myself: “Where is the aliveness guiding me?” When choosing between two options, I’ve asked: “Which path feels more alive?” But I don’t reserve this practice just for significant decisions. I use it to navigate my daily life. During my morning walks, I follow the aliveness, allowing myself to explore the forest paths behind my home, letting my heart lead me into whatever feels most vibrant in each moment. I even apply this approach to the smallest of choices, like what to eat, which invitations to accept, and how to spend my free time.

Here are some examples of how Following the Aliveness has transformed my life:

As a senior in college, I felt lost and overwhelmed, trying to figure out a career path. Nothing excited me, and everything my friends were planning sounded dull and uninspiring. I even went to the career center and took a test to match my interests with possible careers. The top result? A director of a Health Management Organization. Ugh. While that might have been great for someone else, the thought of it left me feeling even more drained and hopeless. A mentor asked me what I truly loved in life, and I started talking about my passion for writing, teaching, and sociology (my major). He immediately said, "Well, it sounds like you want to be a sociology professor." I had never considered myself capable of that, but something clicked inside me. The aliveness led me down that path, and I followed.

Fast forward 21 years. I was fulfilled—a mother of two, happily married, and thriving in my dream career. Yet, one day, a vision appeared in my mind of another baby. Synchronistically, my husband had a similar image around the same time. At first, we dismissed it, thinking we were too old for another child. But the more we allowed ourselves to sit with the possibility, the more alive the idea felt. Now, our beautiful third child, Isa, is 12 years old, and I’ve never regretted following that sense of aliveness.

Here’s one final example. For years, I had avoided taking on the role of department chair, but eventually a situation arose, and I agreed to step in for a semester. To my surprise, I really enjoyed the position in those first few weeks. However, not long after, I was asked to decide whether I wanted to continue as chair for a few years beyond that first semester. I found myself torn. I was already burned out from many years of teaching, and while the chair role felt fresh and exciting, something didn’t sit right with me. I turned inward and sat with both possibilities, feeling into how each one resonated in my body. To my surprise, returning to my regular faculty position felt like gently tending to a delicate wildflower, bringing a sense of excitement and new growth. On the other hand, the idea of taking the chair position felt like trudging uphill, with a weight that depleted my energy just thinking about it. I listened to the aliveness and chose to turn down the position. It was the best decision I could have made.

That one semester as chair turned out to be more draining than I expected, and it became clear I needed a shift in my career, not toward more teaching or administration, but toward what truly ignited my passion—writing. This realization led me to the contemplative writing that ultimately gave birth to the “Following the Aliveness” podcast. The name itself reflects my journey: Following the Aliveness.


I invite you to follow the aliveness in your own life. Start by tuning into those moments that make you feel truly present, where your energy lifts and something inside you awakens. It could be as simple as deciding what to eat, choosing how to spend your afternoon, or exploring a new exercise routine. Let your heart lead, moment by moment, into what feels most alive. This quiet yet powerful practice can bring clarity, joy, and a deeper connection to the aliveness within you. Trust the aliveness—let it be your guide.


Follow the Aliveness into What’s Sacred. Following the aliveness is a direct path to touching the sacred in everyday life. When we tune into what feels most alive in us—whether it's through a decision, a moment in nature, or a silent reflection—we're tapping into something deeper than routine or obligation. We’re connecting with the energy of the present moment, which is where the sacred resides.

The sacred isn’t found in grand gestures or far-off places; it’s in the subtle pull of what brings us joy, curiosity, or peace. By following the aliveness, we’re attuning ourselves to the whispers of life’s sacredness—whether it's in a simple walk, a conversation, or even in the spaces between our breaths. Each choice to follow what feels vibrant and true is an act of honoring the sacredness of life itself.

Following the Aliveness & Healing the Human-Nature Split

Following the aliveness isn’t just a personal practice—it’s a way to heal the divide between ourselves and the natural world. When we tune into what feels most alive within us, we’re also tuning into the rhythm of the earth itself. By allowing our hearts to guide us into the present moment, we align with nature’s flow—its cycles and its vitality. This practice acts to help bridge the human-nature split by reminding us that we are not separate from the world around us, but deeply interconnected. When we follow the aliveness, we remember our place in the web of life and honor the relationship between ourselves and the earth. Healing this connection begins within, and from there, it ripples outward.